In June 2020, the Goethe-Institut’s Latitude Festival presented a comprehensive three-day digital programme of artistic contributions and debates. The central focus was on how colonial structures continue to have an impact today and how they can be overcome. The festival was originally planned as a face-to-face event in Berlin but was then switched to an online event amid the first lockdown. Prasanna Oommen and her team were in charge of hosting the entire event, chairing the preliminary discussions and conducting the research: this was the first test run for our digital office studio and marked the start of a long series of online events.
Opening (English):
Panel with Professor Nikita Dhawan (professor of political science, Berlin), Professor Souleymane Bachir Diagne (professor of philosophy, New York) and Nanjira Sambuli (political scientist and digital strategist, Nairobi):
“Institutionen anders denken” (Rethinking institutions), panel with Sonja Anders (chief literary and artistic director, Hanover), Natalie Bayer (cultural anthropologist and museum director, Berlin) and Johannes Ebert (secretary-general of the Goethe-Institut, Berlin):