„Sag mir nicht, wer ich bin - Über die Sehnsucht nach Identität und die Freiheit, nirgends hineinzupassen“ (Don't tell me who I am - On the longing for identity and the freedom of not fitting in anywhere) - that's the title of the book Prasanna Oommen talked about with author Julia Wadhawan on 28 April 2023. Julia Wadhawan is a journalist, has been awarded the title of Journalist of the Year, among others, and was a media ambassador in the German-Indian exchange programme of the Robert Bosch Stiftung. In her book, she writes about her very personal journey in search of identity, freedom and belonging.
The lecture talk took place as part of the "Literatur zur Zeit" series in cooperation with Masala Movement at the King Georg in Cologne. DJs Todh Teri and Manoj Kurian spun for the guests at the afterparty.