On Friday, 28.09.2018 and Saturday, 29.09.2018 the SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) state parliamentary group in NRW staged a “night-time reading event” in Düsseldorf.
Alexander Schimmelbusch read from his novel “Hochdeutschland”, Marion Mainka read from “Das Hohe Haus” by Roger Willemsen, Julia Korbik read from her book “Oh, Simone! Warum wir Beauvoir wiederentdecken sollten”, and Lamya Kaddor read from her book “Die Zerreißprobe/Wie die Angst vor dem Fremden unsere Demokratie bedroht”. Each reading was followed by a discussion with the author/reader and various members of the NRW state parliament – chaired by Prasanna Oommen.