Patriarchal structures in Hip-Hop and "Fuckademia", the elite problem in White Feminism & how "Bitchism" can help - that and more is what Prasanna Oommen discussed with Dr. Reyhan Şahin .
Reyhan Şahin - better known as Lady Bitch Ray - embodies a position in (queer) feminist discourse that is as unique as it is exciting: as a PhD linguist, researcher of migration, Islam and racism, educational consultant, former rapper and Alevi, she speaks critically about sexuality, Islam, pop culture and anti-racism like no other.
For the kick-off of the education and reading series "Migrantischer Feminismus" ("Migrant Feminism") organized by interKultur e.V. , she and Prasanna Oommen held a lecture discussion at the Bürgerhaus MüZe entitled "Yalla, yalla Maşallah!". Yalla, Feminism, Yalla!".
Excerpts of the talk will soon be available on the Youtube-Kanal of interKultur e.V.
Image: © interKultur e.V.