Cultural Policy Hosting Nachhaltigkeit Panel Discussion Event

Closing event of Köln hoch 3

How do we implement new sustainability standards in the cultural scene? This question is also the focus of the "Köln hoch 3" project, as part of which eight organisations from the urban and independent cultural scene in Cologne published their carbon footprints for the first time in 2023 in accordance with the CO2 culture standard and 19 new transformation managers were trained.

At the closing event for the first year of "Köln hoch 3" on 11 April 2024 at the "Filmhaus Köln", a look was taken at the results and future prospects. After a welcoming address by Stefan Charles, Head of the Department of Art and Culture of the City of Cologne, Prasanna Oommen moderated a panel on this occasion. Together with Hannah Schneeberger (Sommerblut), Heide Häusler (Internationale Photoszene), Patrick Wasserbauer (Bühnen Köln) and Peter Lohrmann (Stadtbibliothek Köln), she discussed how transformation efforts vary depending on the size, format and orientation of the theatre or festival and what different approaches could look like on the basis of further education.

"Köln hoch 3" is a cooperation between the Department of Art and Culture, the Climate Protection Coordination Centre, the Green Culture Collective, the Aktionswerk Nachhaltigkeit and Thema1. 

Featured image: © Rheinisches Bildarchiv, Marc Weber