Hosting of entire event in English, including all interviews and panel discussions
In October 2020, the German National Library staged a conference, in the context of Germany’s EU Council Presidency, entitled “Rethinking Culture and Science – Opportunities, Risks and Developments of the Digital Revolution in Europe”. Prasanna Oommen hosted the entire digital event in English after intensive research and preparation by our team.
Session on “Opportunities & Risks” including Professor Fotis Jannidis (professor of philology, Würzburg), Minna Karvonen (section head at the Finish Ministry of Education and Culture, Helsinki) and Frank Scholze (director general of the German National Library, Frankfurt):
Session on “Developments” including Professor Sören Auer (professor of computer science, Hanover) and Maïté Labat (historian and department head at the Louvre, Paris):